
Biotechnology Portfolio

I have always been fascinated by the sciences. I decided to pursue math and science in college as much as my schedule would allow.

During and after college, I developed a fascination with biology and biotechnology. My original plan for my Master’s Thesis was to use biofeedback to communicate with a computer. I ultimately decided to measure brain wave patterns with an electroencephalograph, but also considered galvanized skin response and eye tracking as a means to interface. Seeing the potential of brain-controlled interfaces, I began studying neurology, brain science, and methods of recording brain waves. This ambitious project came to a halt when the professor with whom I planned to work left the department. I changed my research to the study of iconography, applying much of my research for BCI to the study of psychology.

After college, I began reading more books about neurology in my spare time. When I was young, I knew how quickly technology was advancing, especially in the medical field. However, I knew that it was not expanding quickly enough. As a youth, I figured that others would fix most medical ailments within a couple decades. Though we have made notable progress, we are still far from solving many of the most widespread problems.

Learning more about medicine and technology, I decided that I would attempt to push the progress of research forward by applying the skills I learned and practiced. To learn medicine and biotechnology would require more years of research, but I had new media skills to quickly disseminate information to the public. With public support, diseases and medical problems are fixed much faster.

One of the most notable accomplishments in medicine I noticed was the advancement of controlling aging. Investigating recent studies showed me that we were slowly on our way to curing the worst disease of mankind, but we were not moving fast enough. In 2012, I decided to research the field and dedicate my efforts to finding a cure.

My first action was to ask researchers in the field if they needed a website or multimedia. My first project was with Sierra Sciences in Reno, NV. They did not have a functional website, but were arguably the leading company in telomere research. I volunteered to develop a website for them as well as improve the visibility of their online content and work. Since, I have revised the website and performed numerous other duties with the company, including serving as an editor and contributing author for their second book.

Since 2012, I have also had the pleasure of developing media for the SENS Foundation, Age Reversal Fund, Maxlife Foundation, Foresight Institute, Centagen, and numerous smaller companies developing all-natural products. I have also assisted in writing and editing publications.

Additionally, I have read most of the significant material on the topic, such as magazine articles and journals. Among the most comprehensive and influential books is Aubrey de Grey’s Ending Aging. His first section details his approach to realizing there was a cure, and how to go about finding one. His pattern of thought was similar to mine, using many of the same examples I used to explain the problem to tohers.

Furthermore, I have read many other books by experts of the field, including ray Kurzweil. I have also had a chance to work with de Grey as well as other anti-aging pioneers, all on a volunteer basis.

This is only the beginning of my journey to end the aging process, radically extend life, and promote singularity. Perhaps my attempts sound like an attempt to grasp science fiction, but its all fiction until it becomes possible. Additionally, the benefits would be profound, and the attempt is well worth the effort.